How to Build a Quokkabot @amys_kapers
A presentation at Microsoft Reactor in November 2022 in Perth WA, Australia by Amy Kapernick
How to Build a Quokkabot @amys_kapers
How to Build a Quokkabot @amys_kapers
I acknowledge the traditional owners of this land, the Whadjuk people of the Nyoongar nation. @amys_kapers
How to Build a Quokkabot @amys_kapers
Demo Time 🤞 @amys_kapers
require(‘dotenv’).config() const twilio = require(‘twilio’) module.exports = async function (context) { const MessagingResponse = twilio.twiml.MessagingResponse const twiml = new MessagingResponse() const message = twiml.message() message.body(“Welcome to Quokkabot”) }; context.done(null, { status: 200, body: message.toString(), headers: { ‘Content-Type’: ‘text/xml’ }, }) @amys_kapers
const twilio = require(‘twilio’)
const { randomImage, quokkas, notQuokkas } = require(‘../_data/photos’) module.exports = async function (context) { const MessagingResponse = twilio.twiml.MessagingResponse const twiml = new MessagingResponse() const message = twiml.message() const msgParams = new URLSearchParams(context.req.body) const msgText = msgParams.get(‘Body’) if(RegExp(‘quokka’, ‘i’).test(msgText)) { message.body(‘This is a quokka’)${randomImage(quokkas).slug}
) } else { message.body(‘This is not a quokka’)${randomImage(notQuokkas).slug}
) }
context.done(null, { status: 200, body: message.toString(), headers: { ‘Content-Type’: ‘text/xml’ }, })
// Existing imports here const { PredictionAPIClient } = require(‘@azure/cognitiveservices-customvision-prediction’) const { ApiKeyCredentials } = require(‘@azure/ms-rest-js’) const const const const
key = process.env.API_KEY endpoint = process.env.ENDPOINT projectId = process.env.PROJECT_ID iteration = process.env.ITERATION
const credentials = new ApiKeyCredentials({ inHeader: { “Prediction-key”: key } }) const predictor = new PredictionAPIClient(credentials, endpoint) module.exports = async function (context) { // Existing code here const image = msgParams.get(‘MediaUrl0’) let results = false if(image) { results = await predictor.classifyImageUrl(projectId, iteration, { url: image }) } else { if(RegExp(‘quokka’, ‘i’).test(msgText)) { message.body(‘This is a quokka’)${randomImage(quokkas).slug}
) } else { message.body(‘This is not a quokka’)${randomImage(notQuokkas).slug}
) } }
context.log({results: JSON.stringify(results)}) };
// Finish Azure function
{ } “results”: { “id”: “06f7250b-ffb3-47a1-9508-c928b8c54b87”, “project”: “a44bf78b-da55-4a95-bfdc-21ac780d2518”, “iteration”: “8a75c738-d658-4f63-8a2e-e18318f418f8”, “created”: “2022-10-12T06:31:47.662Z”, “predictions”: [ { “probability”: 0.99992716, “tagId”: “1f6223d5-79ce-4e6b-8f58-ddfbb4635246”, “tagName”: “Quokka”, “tagType”: “Regular” }, { “probability”: 0.00007281252, “tagId”: “7a44e503-b236-4991-bf44-2e08ca0e2356”, “tagName”: “Negative”, “tagType”: “Negative” } ] } @amys_kapers
“predictions”: [ { “probability”: 0.99992716, “tagId”: “1f6223d5-79ce-4e6b-8f58-ddfbb4635246”, “tagName”: “Quokka”, “tagType”: “Regular” }, { “probability”: 0.00007281252, “tagId”: “7a44e503-b236-4991-bf44-2e08ca0e2356”, “tagName”: “Negative”, “tagType”: “Negative” } ] @amys_kapers
“predictions”: [ { “probability”: 0.99992716, “tagName”: “Quokka”, }, { “probability”: 0.00007281252, “tagName”: “Negative”, } ] @amys_kapers
// Existing imports here module.exports = async function (context) { // Existing code here if(image) { // Get image classification results let outcome = {} results.predictions.forEach(tag => { if (tag.tagName == ‘Negative’) { outcome.negative = tag.probability } else if (tag.tagName == ‘Quokka’) { outcome.quokka = tag.probability } }) const quokka = ${(outcome.quokka * 100).toFixed(2)}%
const notQuokka = ${(outcome.negative * 100).toFixed(2)}%
if(outcome.negative > outcome.quokka) { message.body( Sorry that doesn't look like a quokka\nQuokka: ${quokka}, Not Quokka: ${notQuokka}\nThat's pretty sad though, so here's a quokka
) } else { message.body(Yep that looks like a quokka!\nQuokka: ${quokka}, Not Quokka: ${notQuokka}
) }
} else { // Send Quokka or not Quokka photo } };
// Finish Azure Function
// Existing imports here module.exports = async function (context) { // Existing code here if(image) { // Check Image } else { if(RegExp(/error|issue|wrong/, ‘i’).test(msgText)) { message.body(‘Sorry about that, here is a quokka to cheer you up’)${randomImage(quokkas).slug}
) } else if(RegExp(‘quokka’, ‘i’).test(msgText)) { // Send Quokka } else { // Send not Quokka } } };
// Finish Azure Function
// Existing imports here module.exports = async function (context) { // Existing code here
if(image) { // Check Image } else { if(RegExp(/error|issue|wrong/, ‘i’).test(msgText)) { message.body(‘Sorry about that, here is a quokka to cheer you up’) } else if (RegExp(‘fact’, ‘i’).test(msgText)) { message.body(randomFacts(facts)) } else if(RegExp(‘quokka’, ‘i’).test(msgText)) { message.body(‘This is a quokka’) } else { message.body(Welcome to Quokkabot! I can do a bunch of different things that have to do with quokkas.\nNeed a picture of a quokka? Just ask me\nNot sure if you've seen a quokka? Send me a picture and I'll tell you if there's a quokka in it
) } } };${randomImage(quokkas).slug}
// Finish Azure Function
Try it yourself! @amys_kapers
How does it know? @amys_kapers
Image Classification Object Detection Label: Cat Cat, Dog, Duck @amys_kapers
Demo Time 🤞 @amys_kapers
const sgMail = require(‘@sendgrid/mail’) const parseMultipartFormData = require(‘@anzp/azure-function-multipart’).default module.exports = async function (context, req) { const { fields, files } = await parseMultipartFormData(req) const body = {} const image = (files && files.length) && files[0].bufferFile fields.forEach(field => { body[] = field.value }) sgMail.setApiKey(process.env.SENDGRID_API_KEY) let msg = { to: body.from, from: { name: ‘Quokkabot’, email: ‘[email protected]’, }, subject: Re: ${body.subject}
} if (image) { const results = results = await predictor. classifyImage(projectId, iteration, image) // Format and return image results msg.html = formatResults(results) } else { // Send a Quokka, fact or information } msg.html = ${msg.html}
await sgMail.send(msg)
Try it yourself! @amys_kapers
[email protected] @amys_kapers @amys_kapers @amys_kapers
What next? @amys_kapers @amys_kapers
But why? @amys_kapers
Thank You 👏 @amys_kapers
Questions? @amys_kapers